Most probably early in 1972 Mercedes will present a completely new sedan. It will replace the 300SEL and will have its 3.5-litre engine or a 4.5-litre engine developed at the same time and in the most costly version the 6.3-litre V8 engine. It will also have a diagonal strut rear axle and a body in mild wedge shape. Auto Katalog 1970/1971 issue 14/70
Crash Test
A 350SE after a 50 km/h crash test - the passenger section remained intact. Mercedes-Benz Automobile Band 5 Vom 600 zum 450SEL 6.9 (MB Automobiles Volume 5 From 600 to 450SEL 6.9) 1984
Experimental Safety Vehicle ESF 22
Experimental Safety Vehicle presented in 1973. Mercedes-Benz Classic-Foto 73 044/4
Design Studies
1:5 scale model of the W116 sedan - still with the finally not realized third side window in the style of the SLC-coupes - is going to be scanned three-dimensional in the ESEM-method. Die S-Klasse von Mercedes Benz - Von der Kultur des Fahrens (The S-class from MB - From the culture of driving) 1993February 1969: The new car begins to take shape. A similarity to the predecessor can almost not be seen. Oldtimer Markt 8/97The fine tuning of the designers concentrated to the shape of the turn signals and the side-line. Oldtimer Markt 8/97Greetings from the SLC: Note the C-pillar with lamellas and the "corrugated iron-doors". Oldtimer Markt 8/97Until the end the designers tested new variations of the turn signal- and chrome trims. Oldtimer Markt 8/97Despite the (too small) front air intake and the windshield wipers nearly ready". Oldtimer Markt 8/97Only the missing door for the gas tank and some details reveal the 1:1 scale model. Oldtimer Markt 8/97